XXIV Mänttä Art Festival – The Human Era

Posted by on Jun 16, 2019 in NEWS


The theme for the XXIV Mänttä Art Festival is The Human Era. With more than 50 artists, the exhibition discusses what happens when humans control the land and natural resources. The Mänttä Art Festival selected Marja Helander as the curator for the 2019 exhibition. Helander is a Sámi photographer, video artist and film-maker with roots both in Helsinki and Utsjoki.

Many of the artists selected for the XXIV Mänttä Art Festival are concerned with ecology and the state of the natural environment. Some of the artists are connected by Lapland and the Northern dimension. However, the exhibition was not strictly about the environment, and Pekilo was not turned into a Doomsday Temple. The artists study the impact of humans on their environment in many ways: from the perspective of religion, politics, relationships or even animals. After all, we humans are just another species among the others.


Featured artists:

Aikio Matti
Aikio Stina Aletta
Anoschkin Jasmin
Claesson Ann-Sofie
Duncker Maria
Estarriola Anna
Teuri Haarla
Haikala Katriina
Haimila Sanna
Hiltunen Heli & Puranen Jorma
Itälinna Roope
Jakowleff Renata
Jokela Timo
Jussi TwoSeven
Juvani J.A.
Kangasmaa Minna
Kannosto Sakari
Katajamäki Aimo
Kiuru Kaija
Kitti Sunna
Koivisto Kaisu
Korhonen Arto
Korkalo Tuomas
Koski-Vähälä Sari
Jouni Laiti
Miettunen Sauli
Moisander Juhana
Nieminen Arttu
Niskanen Anna
Oikarinen Mari
Osva Anu
Paunu Paavo
Peura Emma
Pieski Outi
Piilola Tamara
Pälviranta Harri
Raudas Selja
Rauhala Mammu & Pasi
Rauhala Pasi
Rojola Johanna
Rotko Johanna
Ruohonen Elina
Rytkönen Panu
Salvesen Aleksander
Susiraja Iiu
Syrjälä Nestori
Taiteilijakollektiivi Kunst (Christina Holmlund, Pia Paldanius, Jarmo Palola, Sirpa Päivinen,
Anu Suhonen & Julia Weckman)
Talpsepp-Jaanisoo Berit
Tornberg Jaakko
Tsukahara Aiko
Törmälehto Samppa
Vihriälä Hanna
Vuorenmaa Camilla